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(see subpage for images)   

Each coat is 30 ins high

'The Coat of All Kinds of Fur'                                                                                


‘The Coat of All Kinds of Fur’ comes from a story collected by The Brothers Grimm.

It is one of a series of stories in which a young woman has to flee her very comfortable palace and her very wealthy father.

She leaves  in disguise and goes into hiding into the unknown realm of the forest.


In the original story, to make her coat, a small piece of hair was snipped from each animal in the forest to weave into a coat for her.


This coat is made of felted wools. The animals on the coat represent the animals we have seen in and around the farmed forest near our home :- horses, deer, badgers, pine martens, rats, squirrels, mice, foxes, voles, goats and stoats.

Each coat is 30 ins high

A Mossy Coat, Soft and Warm, for my Great Granddaughter’           

This coat comes from my own story of my Great Granddaughter, an imaginary figure at the moment. 


It is made from needlefelted wools to protect her and to keep her warm,  disguised and hidden, as she walks through her forests.


'A Coat of Acorns for my Great Granddaughter,  that she may Plant a Fine Oak Forest’

This coat also comes from my own story of my Great Granddaughter, made from acorns and preserved oak leaves.

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